Future Chi
A daoist and a designer explore design, technology, health and wellbeing, and the future of everything. Join Jost Sauer (author, rebel therapist, daoist and expert in traditional Chinese medicine) and Leon Fitzpatrick (industrial and experience designer, educator and futurist), as they discuss health, daoism, design, cars, martial arts, the search for purpose, and the meaning of life. Unplanned, off the cuff, and spontaneous. Welcome to the Future Chi podcast! For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Episode 27: Stillness
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
It’s becoming harder and harder to make sense of life, and when we can’t make sense of life our passion, love, and drive suffers.
In an attempt to make sense of the world around us, the default coping mechanism is to name things; to acknowledge them academically, organise and categorise them, form an opinion about them, and take sides. With an ever-increasing overload of information, our mind is now constantly engaged with the trials and tribulations of the outside world. But an overuse of the mind puts pressure the body, and without balance we get sick, lose a sense of direction, and lose touch with ourselves.
In this episode Jost and Leon talk about the need for stillness, the ability to take time for ourselves and reconnect with our ability to not just think, but feel. Jost gets into the problems with naming; how labelling pathologies and attempting to medicate them away skips a crucial experience of life. Jost also talks about how chi gung gets us grounded, creates time for ourselves, and teaches us how to feel instead of analyse. Leon talks about the false economy of NFTs, the disingenuousness of elevator pitches, bringing order to chaos, and the need for real good news stories. Jost and Leon also talk about how sugar cravings are really a craving for us to return to ourselves, the art of doing less, and how we need to focus on the roots instead of the leaves and branches.
Going within and finding stillness leads us to know who we really are. When we know who we really are, we know our own nature. When we know our own nature, we know how to feel our way forward. When we can feel our way forward, we transcend the need to name things. Then we are truly free.
"Can you look at a situation without naming it? Naming it, making it a word, causes fear." - Bruce Lee
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-27-stillness
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Episode 26: Absolute
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
If we try and hold onto absolutes, we lose ourselves in the process. We’re quickly moving towards a need to own the truth, to pick a side, and to pigeonhole each other based on ideologies and artificial constructs. It’s not meant to be this way. But the good news is that a move towards the absolute is a signal that change is coming. When yin reaches a peak we move into yang and a new era begins. In order to navigate to the next we have to confront obstacles, challenges, and fear, and instead of treating them as impenetrable objects we have to instead find our way around them, over them, or through them. Blaming the obstacle and being frustrated with life doesn’t change anything.
This week Jost and Leon get stuck into trailblazing, pathfinding, and trusting the process. Jost talks about his love for mountain biking, the balance of body, mind, spirit, and technology required to navigate tough terrain, and what to do when you come across a boulder that won’t be moved. He also talks about the crucial process of connecting to the elements - that connects us to what makes life, which in turn makes us healthy. If we feel healthy we feel supported, and we can get to the business of forging a new path to the future. Leon talks about the need to navigate new worlds, the desire to find new people to work with and the drive to step into the unknown. He also talks about the slippery slope of snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and the magic of Ayrton Senna. Jost and Leon also talk about love and mathematics, magical motorbikes, and the challenges with replicating miracles.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-26-absolute
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Sunday May 21, 2023
Episode 25: Nature
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Many of our systems are moving us further away from our own nature; who we really are and what we’re truly capable of. But the further we move away from nature, the faster we move towards ill health, a lack of drive and optimism, and a loss of purpose. How do we tune back in? How do we find the right path to follow? How do we align with our internal constitutions and connect with nature outside and within?
This week Jost and Leon have a natural conversation about being yourself. Jost talks more about 7th century physician and the father of Chinese medicine, Sun Simiao, and how understanding one’s nature is the key to everything. Jost also talks about the original rebels; the Taoists, who rejected the perils of mundane society, his own experiences as a rebel student, and how fighting for what you believe in is good for your health. Leon talks about the hypocrisy of the hustle hard, sleep-when-you’re dead lifestyle, and how to transform mundane tools into powerful instruments of creation. He also talks about the emptiness of modern design and how to bring spirit back into the equation. Jost and Leon then chat about the bummer of reincarnation, tigers vs crocodiles, relentless horses, and the underlying reality of workaholism.
The secret to finding your ‘thing’ is to understand your nature first and then seek to develop the skills to cultivate it. If we ignore, override or suppress our nature we become hollow shells, imitating what’s around us, rendering us unable to be who we really are.
Being here on earth - in the physical - is a double edged sword: it either kills us or it makes us. We have to engage with fear and danger in order to build our energy, stay healthy, and stand up for what’s right. Now’s the time to discover our nature and stick to our guns, even if the odds appear against us. Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
“To be skilled at treating one’s nature is to treat disease before it arises.” - Sun Simiao
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-25-natureFor more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Sunday May 14, 2023
Episode 24: Hype
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
The future needs us to work in the present, not live in the past. But with outdated institutions still calling the shots how can the leaders of the future find the right structures to build upon, while maintaining the freedom to be themselves? It’s not just institutions; social media platforms, marketing methodologies and even our backwards health systems are losing relevancy at an alarming rate, paving the way for something we can’t see but nonetheless feel coming.
It’s increasingly important now to cut through the hype, and share what you do and who you are without being trapped in fake cycles of mechanical self-promotion. But how do you get started on the path to being real in a world that expects you to be everything but? How do you raise your signal above the noise and attract those who share your vision? How can you learn the right skills to succeed but avoid institutional conditioning?
In this episode Jost and Leon get into the need for new forms of education, new platforms for communication, and new ways to put health first in order to escape the shackles of the old world, and get busy in building the new one. Jost talks about his past life as a drug dealer, how drugs are the one thing in the world that don’t need advertising to succeed, and how he literally wrote the book on the subject. He also talks about what drives people to be outlaws, how escaping the mundane becomes an addiction, and what the 4th century physician Sun Simiao had to say about the importance of cultivating your true nature. Leon talks about the trials and tribulations of co-founding a design school, the failing business model of tertiary education, and the problem with educational institutions lecturing what to think instead of teaching how to do. He also talks about the crushingly mundane world of LinkedIn, and his vision for a martial arts based design school. Jost and Leon also talk about staying connected to the universal grid, real-life BMX bandits, and what a drug dealer’s ideal car is (it’s not what you think).
All the world’s an ad. But there’s what’s presented to us and there’s what things really are underneath. Don’t believe the hype, get real instead.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-24-hype
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Monday May 08, 2023
Episode 23: UFOs
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
With an increase in sightings, documentaries, and mainstream discussions, UFOs are occupying an ever lager portion of the common consciousness. Yet their origins and intentions still remain elusive. How would the taoists interpret this phenomenon? Do UFOs represent a fundamental shift in our perception of reality? Do aliens practice chi gung?
The short answer is yes, but the long answer is more interesting as we follow up on our previous episode and dive headfirst into the mythology, mystery and metaphysics of UFOs. But instead of just a nuts-and-bolts discussion on what might make these craft defy the laws of physics, Jost and Leon go for the root of the subject and discuss the correlations between UFOs and health, quantum fields, mastery, and cultivation. Jost talks about the Atlantean origins of acupuncture, how astrophysicists interpret chi and energy meridians, and how the recent rise in unexplainable symptoms can’t be fixed with limited awareness. He also talks about the correlation between Yogananda, UFOs, and other worlds, and how to access our internal ability to be unconditionally good. Leon talks about the true roots of sci-fi, the embodied energy of cheetahs, and the who’s who of the UFO community. Jost and Leon also chat about the need to engage with the mysteries of life in a different way, and that instead of attempting to reverse engineer UFOs or explain them away in mundane terms we must seek to understand the high level of cultivation that would make them possible in the first place.
Our increased openness, awareness, and ability to meaningfully engage with UFOs and other mysteries is all a part of the massive change that is unfolding. Keep your eyes on the sky but your feet on the ground, and work from the inside out to cultivate your own power, potential, and curiosity. The truth is in there.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-23-ufos
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Monday May 01, 2023
Episode 22: Gravity
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
It was predicted that the year of the Water Rabbit would be weird, and so far it hasn’t disappointed. 2023 has been a wild ride so far, and with no sign things will return to ‘normal’ anytime soon, now is the time to get grounded. And what better way to do that than by increasing our understanding of gravity.
This week Jost and Leon get heavy but keep it light with a perspective on gravity unlike anything you’ve heard before; from levitating shrines in Cambodia and flying carpets, to the multidirectional gravity-bending powers of martial arts masters and UFOs. Jost goes in depth on the nature of gravity and how - like health - we can’t ignore it or exhaust it, but rather we must tap into it and work with it. Jost also reveals the origins of the term ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM), the difference between the physical and energetic organs, and how health originates in the non-physical or cosmic realm. Jost and Leon also reflect on the need to redefine medicine and health, how the path of least resistance leads to illness, and how what we experience consciously is only one aspect of reality. Leon gets into his love of the movie Interstellar, the shortcomings of trusting the internet, and how to have faith in what you can’t see.
The real world is hard work. While the virtual world, shortcuts, hacks and cheats are increasingly enticing, there’s a reason why we’re here on this planet and why we have a gravitational force that - through resistance - gives us the ability to grow physically, spiritually, and mentally stronger. As Buckminster Fuller said; “don’t fight forces, use them.”
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-22
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Episode 21: Intelligence
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
There’s lots of people talking lately about Artificial Intelligence (including us) but there isn’t as much talk about Human Intelligence, so this week we’re getting into why that may be and what it means. The experts will tell you there’s no absolute understanding of intelligence and where it comes from. But what did the Taoists have to say about it? How does traditional Chinese medicine define intelligence and its origins? Does intelligence really live in the brain or is there more to it?
This week Jost and Leon discuss the individual factors that together give rise to intelligence. Jost talks about the correlation between memory, concentration, intellect, and the Kidneys, Spleen and Heart, and their internal network connection that we must keep online. Jost also defines the different types of intelligence - organic, spiritual, energetic - and how emotional intelligence is something that can be imitated but not fabricated. Leon discusses interaction design, how AI will change the very fabric of how we interface with technology, and what cats, Egyptology and architectural engineering have in common. Jost and Leon also chat about pre-natal memory, force fields, and how to follow the infinite path.
If we don’t cultivate the physical we don’t feel good. If we don’t feel good we can’t do good, and we will be susceptible to emotionally unintelligent forces. It’s time to unify our awareness, connect to the cosmos, and follow our hearts (the true seat of the mind).
View the Episode Sketch here: https://www.futurethingy.com/episode-21
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Episode 20: Progress
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
If we couldn’t control life before then we definitely can’t control it now, but in chaotic times we can - and we must - keep moving forward. Big disruptions bring about big change and while this comes at the cost of the old world, the new world that is emerging will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.
The taoists once studied the stars to understand where it all started and where we’ve been, and it’s now up to us to understand where we are and where the trajectory of life on earth is headed. In this episode, Jost and Leon reflect on the nature of progress; how humans are designed to create, how tools have evolved over time, and how we are in fact moving towards perfection. Jost talks about the duality of creation; that everything we design is both simultaneously good and bad - capable of creation or destruction - and that intention matters above all else. Leon talks about animals in hot air balloons, the industrial revolution, and how technological progress has given us an opportunity to look back on what we’ve done and what we can do better. Jost discusses the nature of reality, the incorruptibility of the tao, chi, and yin & yang, and how we are very likely living in a projection. Leon wonders how the world would have been different if Nikola Tesla had been a martial artist.
Jost and Leon also ponder the impact of AI on human progress, if robots can have a consciousness, and how we must anchor technology through our own principles and spiritual practices.
Before we head back to the stars and on to the next planet, we must get down to earth and establish rock-solid foundations. Each day we are not just building upon the past but carving ourselves anew, and with it carving the new world.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://www.futurethingy.com/episode-20
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Episode 19: Invest
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
A fundamental shift in reality means a fundamental shift in where we put our time, energy, focus, and resources. While the success and investment strategies of the past were based on acquiring intellectual or physical property, the future needs us to add something new to our portfolio. But in uncertain times what are the right investments to make? Can investing in ourselves be of benefit to humanity? How do you ensure a balance of health, wealth, and happiness in this life and the next?
While it's easy to confuse with profiteering and greed, investing in and of itself is an ethical term. In this episode Jost and Leon skip the stock tips and strategies and instead focus on ways of building your internal, spiritual portfolio. Jost talks in depth about the wild west of the publishing world, the years of struggle it takes to write a book, and how developing a product that generates progress in others is a true investment. He also talks about how it’s not our mission to invest solely for profit, and that we must live by a code in order to choose light over dark. Leon talks about finding your people and understanding when it’s time to not invest, but divest instead. Jost and Leon also reflect on investing in something that will serve your next incarnation, the importance of understanding that life is temporary, and how a good life leads to a good death.
Investing in a spiritual practice makes us proactive, helps us to navigate our impulses, and stops us getting bogged down by the mundane. It’s time for us to believe in ourselves, invest in ourselves, and in doing so help build a bright future for our planet.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://www.futurethingy.com/episode-19
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode 18: Pain
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
What is the purpose of pain? What can we learn from engaging with it? Is pain something that can be mastered? How can we better understand pain by cultivating and connecting mind, body, and spirit?
The idea of pain is not to avoid it but to pursue it - and pursue its meaning. Pain is a signal pathway, and it is a path we all must walk down. But how we prepare for that journey, what we take with us and what we can learn along the way makes all the difference. This week Jost and Leon enter the house of pain - and while they do jump around quite a bit - they stick to the topic of how to make it an important part of our physiological and spiritual practice. They discuss the critical connection between mind and body, how to successfully anchor one with the other, and how use that connection to transform the intensity of the day into the calmness of night. Jost talks about traditional Chinese medicine’s elemental cycle, how we are in fact the 5th element, and how the mind and body deal with time travel. Leon talks about the burnout loop of office life, the need to work with your own individual consistency, and how ‘hacks’ are a way of avoiding the discomfort and pain of learning.
Jost and Leon also get into the topic of ghosts, guides and gueis, how unresolved pain can wreak havoc even after death, and what kinds of pranks mischievous souls might play. They also reflect on the nature of teaching, what makes a good student, and why we train. Jost also talks about Taoism’s goal of expanding the physical world with spiritual awareness, how intense pain focuses us, and how resolving pain makes us less reactive to others.
To have a body is to have pain. Pain is an opportunity to focus, connect to the universe, and in doing so find the way. So don’t just pay it forward…pain it forward!
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

Jost Sauer
Jost is a healthy lifestyle expert. He is an author, acupuncturist, and has been a therapist since the 80s.
Jost Sauer was also an ex-addict, dealer and deserter who kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking rehab program. Jost pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction and then adapted this for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day plan.
Jost has treated tens of thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, with his Chi Cycle Health System, and offers training and retreats. His passion is to show everyone how to make every day medicinal and magical…

Leon Fitzpatrick
Leon is an industrial, interaction, and experience designer, futurist, illustrator, storyteller, and educator. Leon operates Futurethingy - a design consultancy and change agency that envisions future states - such as products, transportation, cities, and systems - through design and narrative. This future is ethical, sustainable, and optimistic.
Leon studied industrial design at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. At Motorola Inc. in Chicago he designed products and concepts, produced videos, and was an eco-design lead. At design consultancy MINIMAL Leon designed products and concepts, produced videos, and art directed for clients such as Microsoft, Xbox, Nike, and Dell. Leon has extensive international experience as an independent consultant, working with the US automotive industry for several years on rapid prototyping, empirical research and vision projects for electric and autonomous vehicles, and the future of mobility.