Future Chi
A daoist and a designer explore design, technology, health and wellbeing, and the future of everything. Join Jost Sauer (author, rebel therapist, daoist and expert in traditional Chinese medicine) and Leon Fitzpatrick (industrial and experience designer, educator and futurist), as they discuss health, daoism, design, cars, martial arts, the search for purpose, and the meaning of life. Unplanned, off the cuff, and spontaneous. Welcome to the Future Chi podcast! For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Episode 15: Spirituality
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
While our physical reality appears absolute, the fundamental nature of reality is spiritual. But what is spirituality and what does it mean to be truly spiritual? How do we define, cultivate, and practice spirituality in this day and age without becoming entangled in ideology?
This week Jost and Leon get spiritual. But instead of lighting candles and chanting they're instead talking about Teslas, V8’s, martial arts, dualistic cats and masterless samurai. In this episode Jost and Leon talk about humour as an essential part of spiritual journey, and how true masters know how to have a good laugh. They also talk about the relationship between being easily offended and the rise of spiritual disconnection, which is in turn making us disconnected from our true selves and our purpose. Jost talks about the necessity of working with - and learning from - nature, and how we are here to enhance what nature has to offer and make the world a better place, and Leon talks about spiritual warriors of feudal Japan and their connection to the wild west.
Jost and Leon also discuss the hypocrisy of the new age, how one might go about walking on water, and how to hand over the burdens of daily life to the universe. They also discuss doctrine vs doing; practicing spirituality instead of treating it as purely a concept, and how it is imperative to feel good first if we are to do good in the world, and be authentically good to each other.
View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-15-spirituality
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
Fore more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Episode 14: Struggle
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
How do we know where to go next when we don’t have a map? If long term plans are a thing of the past, how do we move forward? Many of us have lost our sense of direction and purpose, as well as the ability to set goals and look ahead. With this has come not just a lack of optimism, but also a lack of a fighting spirit and a willingness to embrace struggle as a necessary part of life. But what happens when we lose the will to struggle? What happens when we no longer want to fight for the future?
In this episode Jost and Leon talk about the essentiality of struggle; without struggle we cannot create the new, and without struggle we cannot express ourselves honestly. They discuss wartime innovation, farmers and warriors, and the struggle for identity that has expanded rapidly in recent years. Jost and Leon also talk about an array of potential futures, from a dystopian (but unabashedly fun) Mad Max reality full of V8 Interceptors and freedom - to a dystopian (but totally lame) reality full of automated cubes, holograms and an indifferent artificial intelligence running things. This leads to a discussion on the purpose of the physiological vs the purpose of the spiritual, and the need to make spiritual plans instead of business plans.
Jost talks about the importance of adaptation, of connecting to nature, and the similarities between the sage and the tiger, and Leon talks about the slippery slope of self-driving cars and the proper role of the creative class when it comes to challenging the mainstream and the mundane.
Finally, Jost and Leon reflect on the modern day importance of the Tao Te Ching, and that the tao will always ensure there are warriors that will fight for what’s right.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Episode 13: Hero
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
What makes a hero? How do we recognise real heroes? Do they still exist? The past few years have put an unprecedented level of challenges in front of us. While many sought the path of least resistance, there are those who decided to not follow the mainstream narrative but rather to stand up, speak up, and become beacons of hope and strength. These are the heroes of the modern age.
This episode delves into all things heroic; the origins of heroes in mythology and comic book lore, and what it really means to be a true hero. Jost and Leon share their personal experience in meeting one of their real-life heroes; Dr Peter McCullough, and the surreal nature of not only attending a data-heavy western medicine conference, but delivering cheers and standing ovations and being left feeling inspired and full of hope. Jost talks about the daoist definition of a hero; someone who walks the untrodden path, who seeks truth, who doesn’t follow the narrative, and who doesn’t seek validation from the mundane world. Leon talks about the influence of superheroes while growing up, and the importance of the hero’s journey in both mythology and real life. Jost points out that we cannot let today’s villains dampen our spirit and extinguish our fire, and that without villains we wouldn't have heroes.
Jost and Leon also discuss the dangers of being stuck in the mundane, without hope, and the importance of the Spleen in building the foundations of the future. Leon talks about Oumuamua - the mysterious interstellar object that once passed through our solar system and the importance of having a vision of the future unhindered by the past. Jost gives us an internal road map on where to go next, and how the time has come for us to all be our own heroes.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Episode 12: Air
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
We are not designed for ill health and endless pathologies, but these are on the rise and this week we highlight the rapid increase in obesity and where it’s headed. Inside us all is a highly functional machine with each part working in unison and harmony. But like an engine, when our internal systems are deprived of the right quality of air, the proper nutrients, the right type of combustion and a fully functioning exhaust system, things go wrong.
This week, Jost and Leon discuss the misnomer of ‘healthy at every size’, the underlying causes of obesity, and what happens when your body no longer functions as intended. They also talk about their own individual experiences with western medicine, injuries, and the need to embrace symptoms and align with the mystery of life in order to progress to the next level. Jost recounts his wild days as a ski instructor in Germany and his favourite Fiat, and Leon gets into the cyclical nature of problems and solutions and the mad genius of Alfa Romeo.
The things that need to be done require us to bravely step into the unknown, so take a deep breath and let's get to work building what's next.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Episode 11: Art
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
This week we put the ‘art’ in ‘Heart’ as we go into the process of creation, creativity, and self expression. But what is art? Is it a process, or just an outcome? What are the underlying daoist principles of art, and what role does art play in traditional Chinese medicine? What is the art of healing and health?
In this episode, Jost and Leon go on a journey of self discovery and self reflection. They talk about the distinction between knowledge of self (the inner world) vs knowledge of selfie (the outer world), and how focusing on the latter leads to copying and templating instead of true creation. They also discuss the shamans, peacocks, how to rise above low vibration of earth and increase our frequencies, and how to deal with a combative goldfish.
Jost talks about how we must carve ourselves out using our own internal design process, so that others don’t do it for us, how to not give in to the power of others, and how simplification and unification are critical in the art of healing. Leon talks about Le Corbusier and the Bauhaus, the similarities and differences between design and art, functionality vs practicality, and what samurai armour and a Toyota Camry have in common. (Hint: it’s not much).
Jost and Leon also discuss how the artistic process can take us into ourselves, help us get back to the starting point, and return us to destiny. Home is where the art is.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Episode 10: Coffee
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
This week the warning horn is sounded as the conversation delves deep into the phenomenon of brain fog and the rise in metabolic illnesses. Traditional Chineses medicine lets us see past the limited view of the brain as a neural construct, and instead shows us the holistic and complex system that gives us our brain power; our organs. But this magical support system needs the right order of operations.
In this episode, Jost and Leon discuss this internal, energetic production line and how low quality input and skipping important steps in the process results in bad output. When it comes to everything from designing and manufacturing products, to building a healthy immune system, to harvesting and roasting beans and enjoying a good cup of coffee, the right order of things matters. Without it, and without the right kind of connections and collaboration, everything falls apart.
Jost talks about how now, more than ever, we must protect the Heart, harness breathing techniques, and nourish the Spleen in order to get a grip on life. Leon talks about entropy, exploding cell phones and the correct way to treat Italian cars, and how to deal with brain foggy clients.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Episode 9: Annoyance
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Feeling annoyed? Feel like you’ve had enough and are overwhelmed by it all? Do you have a strong desire to cut off from everything and everyone? You’re not alone. The past few years have put many people in a loop of being overwhelmed, seeking solitude and disconnection, feeling a need to still be connected, but then - due to lockdowns and regulations - found themselves being unable to do so. This has taken its toll.
This episode, which follows on from Episode 8: Inertia, delves further into the importance of tedious groundwork and the necessity for annoyance when it comes to developing ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. Our bodies are designed to be triggered, and without the right day-to-day stress factors the mind becomes weakened. The results of this are reflected in the recent and devastating decline in mental health.
Jost talks about what it means to be superhuman and how getting annoyed is necessary and healthy, as long as we develop our boundaries, stick to the dao (like horses and tigers do), and do the groundwork. Leon discusses how annoying theorists and strategists are, how a carpet company changed the world, and what the issues with ‘content’ are.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Episode 8: Inertia
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
We live in strange times. This episode dives into the recent 'one-size-fits all' approach to health and the effects this has had on society in recent years. But where did it come from? How has theory come to override practice? How did the scientific process become an ideology that doesn't like to be challenged? How do we overcome the inertia of an existing system that doesn't want to learn something new? Theory vs. doing face off in the latest episode of Future Chi!
Jost looks at the absurdity of prescriptive health through the lens of his expertise and talks about how supplements, sleep, Chinese herbs, and a daily practice are critically important to 'feel ourselves forward' instead of waiting to be told what to do. Leon talks about the importance of editing, sticking to your principles, and what Machiavelli and dinosaurs have in common.
Jost and Leon also talk about about how to achieve mastery through tedious groundwork, which organ is the most important when it comes to advancing and retreating, and how to balance inertia and expansion.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Episode 7: Fakes
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
What is real? How do we discern between that which is fake and that which is authentic? The nature of reality and the reality of nature are on the table for discussion this week. Humans are the only species that have a conflict between fake and real, and in this episode Jost and Leon discuss '3 Shen' and how we must tap back into our adaptive intelligence and our ability to advance and retreat. Learn what Sigmund Freud, crocodiles and Ferraris have in common, how race cars evolved in line with the laws of nature, and how our purpose here on earth is to become real. Jost talks about the importance of the daily practice and how to navigate through the age of deception, and Leon gives bad advice on how to spot a fake Porsche.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Episode 6: Force
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
There is force around us and force within us, but what is force and where does it come from? How do we harness the power of cycles to create a better, truly sustainable world? How does the cyclical process of alchemy play a role in both industrial design and daoism?
In this episode Jost and Leon delve deep into the nature of force and cycles - cycles of creation and destruction, cycles of design and manufacturing, and the cycle of energy that circulates throughout the body every 24 hours; the chi cycle. In traditional Chinese medicine, if force doesn't flow, stagnation arises and ill health follows. Jost discusses the implications of this and where it's headed, and Leon reflects on how this impacts the creative process and how it leads to bad design. They also explore the antidotes to consumerism, the reciprocal dynamic between designer and consumer, the role desire plays in the creation of emotional, spiritual, and physical landfill, and how to discern between that which is glitter and that which is gold.
For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/
For more about Leon: https://www.futurethingy.com/
Jost Sauer
Jost is a healthy lifestyle expert. He is an author, acupuncturist, and has been a therapist since the 80s.
Jost Sauer was also an ex-addict, dealer and deserter who kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking rehab program. Jost pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction and then adapted this for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day plan.
Jost has treated tens of thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, with his Chi Cycle Health System, and offers training and retreats. His passion is to show everyone how to make every day medicinal and magical…
Leon Fitzpatrick
Leon is an industrial, interaction, and experience designer, futurist, illustrator, storyteller, and educator. Leon operates Futurethingy - a design consultancy and change agency that envisions future states - such as products, transportation, cities, and systems - through design and narrative. This future is ethical, sustainable, and optimistic.
Leon studied industrial design at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. At Motorola Inc. in Chicago he designed products and concepts, produced videos, and was an eco-design lead. At design consultancy MINIMAL Leon designed products and concepts, produced videos, and art directed for clients such as Microsoft, Xbox, Nike, and Dell. Leon has extensive international experience as an independent consultant, working with the US automotive industry for several years on rapid prototyping, empirical research and vision projects for electric and autonomous vehicles, and the future of mobility.